Moderation is a crucial part of teacher assessment. It allows teachers to benchmark their judgements, while helping to ensure that standards are consistent, and outcomes are reliable.
Schools should ensure that their teacher assessment judgements are moderated internally and, where possible, with other schools. This will quality-assure their judgements and provide a valuable opportunity for professional development.
Every year, 25 per cent of schools are also subject to statutory external moderation by local authorities of a sample of their outcomes English writing. This validates judgements to ensure that they are consistent with national standards. It is a collaborative process between schools and local authority moderators.
This book, Writing Moderation Guide for Years 2 and 6, provides support for teachers of these year groups and also to English and assessment leaders in primary schools. The focus is on pupils’ writing and the assessment of writing.
It supports teachers’ judgements through a clear focus on the National Curriculum requirements and differentiates between writing that is not yet at expected standards for a year group, writing that meets end of year expected standards and writing at greater depth within the expected standards for a year group.
The following assessment areas are considered:
- Composition and effect
- Structure and organisation
- Grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary
- Punctuation
- Drafting, editing and proof reading
- Spelling and handwriting
The documents can be used as a guide or printed for each child, to show evidence of standards in writing or for moderation purposes.