OFSTED inspections will now start by looking at outcomes and impact.
Updated October 2024
With Deep Dives no longer part of ungraded inspections from September, this eBook has been written for headteachers and senior school leaders who aim to craft a compelling Impact Narrative for their school. It includes the latest OFSTED changes, including the removal of deep dives for ungraded inspections, and explores strategies to strengthen the themes of ‘Know Your School’, ‘Knowing Your Children’, and ‘Meeting the Needs of Your Children’. The core thread throughout the book is the ‘Impact’ of leadership decisions and educational strategies on students’ outcomes and school improvement.
- Meeting the needs of all learners
- Protected characteristics
- Interventions
- Data narratives – outcomes, behaviour, attendance
- Reading, phonics and literacy – at all key stages
- School priorities – measuring impact and intended impact
- Pupil, staff and parent voice
- Developing middle leadership capacity
- Data narratives
- Effective use of case studies
- Staff wellbeing and workload
The book focuses on the impact in relation to the four areas of the Education Inspection Framework (EiF):
- Quality of education
- Behaviour and attitudes
- Personal development
- Leadership and management
80 pages.