Schools and colleges should provide a safe environment to learn and work, including when online. Filtering and monitoring are both important parts of safeguarding pupils and staff from potentially harmful and inappropriate online materials. This course covers the standards you should already be meeting:
- What is filtering and monitoring?
- Who needs to know about filtering and monitoring?
- What does my school need to do?
- Things you need to do to have effective filtering and monitoring
- Identifying and assigning roles and responsibilities
- Developing an effective monitoring strategy that meets your school’s safeguarding needs
- Reviewing your filtering and monitoring provision
- Choosing a new provider with confidence
- Developing policies that cover the four areas of risk
- Putting appropriate filtering and monitoring systems into place
- Actions to prevent online child-on-child abuse
- Understanding OFSTED’s expectations
- Meeting the DfE’s digital and technology standards
The course ensures that the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) guidance is followed.
Resources include a checklist to make sure your filtering and monitoring systems are compliant and in line with best practice.
Suitable for all phases:
- Maintained schools
- Academies and Free Schools
- FE colleges
- Specialist provision
- PRUs
- Independent schools and colleges
Course audience:
- Senior leaders
- Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs)
- Governors
- Business managers and bursars