*** Updated statutory information ***
Required from October 2024
Ensure that your school website meets the latest statutory requirements. OFSTED include your website as part of an inspection and schools must provide specific information to comply with the inspection requirements. Order a primary or secondary school website health check today from JMB Education – experienced education specialists.
To prepare for the educationally focused conversation, and the inspection as a whole, inspectors will review and consider relevant publicly available information, such as the school’s website and the trust’s website, including:
- a statement of the school’s values and ethos
- the school’s opening hours
- information about the curriculum
- information about the use of tutoring in the school
- information on the careers programme for pupils in Years 7 to 13
- policies (for example on safeguarding, behaviour, and relationships, sex and health education)
- use of funding (for example, pupil premium and catch-up funding)
- information about SEND provision (for example, SEND information report and accessibility plan)
- information schools are required to publish related to Equality Act 2010 duties
- information about governance
- for an academy, the trust’s scheme of delegation
- Do you meet School Information (England) Regulations?
- Do you meet the needs of all stakeholders?
- Appropriate for primary, secondary and further education colleges
- Covers maintained schools, academies, free schools and 16-19 colleges
- Does your website meet current browser requirements?
- Do you comply with EU laws for privacy?
I am so pleased with the report. It is really clear and useful. I have already recommended you to two other heads.
Rebecca Dove - Sandhurst Junior School
Thank you, the report is spot on – really clear and easy to understand.
Dave McPartlin – Flakefleet Primary School
The report is very clear and easy to understand. Sometimes you just think "yes, that's value for money" ... and this is one of those times.
Clive Bourne - Spalding Special Schools Federation
We have found our report very useful. Thank you so much for a fast and efficient service. Money well spent.
Isabel M Ramsay – Bandon Hill Primary