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Teaching vocabulary

Course Overview

Vocabulary is a critical factor in raising standards in English, reading, and across the wider curriculum. Limited word knowledge is a key contributor to underachievement among English-speaking learners as well as those with SEND and EAL needs. Without a strong vocabulary foundation, learners struggle to access the curriculum, comprehend texts, and express themselves effectively.

This course explores the research behind vocabulary development and provides practical, classroom-ready strategies to support all learners. It covers explicit and incidental word learning, the importance of Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary, and how vocabulary instruction links to spelling, comprehension, and writing.

Why Vocabulary Matters
• The role of vocabulary in raising literacy and academic achievement
• How vocabulary affects comprehension, writing, and speaking skills
• The impact of vocabulary deficits on EAL, SEND, and disadvantaged learners
• The connection between vocabulary and attainment across the curriculum

How Words Are Learnt
• The cognitive science of word learning: memory, retrieval, and repetition
• Incidental vs. explicit vocabulary acquisition
• Word depth vs. word breadth: what makes a strong vocabulary?

Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary
• Direct instruction: explicit teaching of new words
• Incidental learning through reading, discussion, and exploration
• The role of context and word exposure in learning
• Using visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic strategies for vocabulary retention

Understanding Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Vocabulary
• The differences between Tier 1 (everyday words), Tier 2 (academic vocabulary), and Tier 3 (subject-specific terms)
• Why Tier 2 words are critical for comprehension and writing
• Strategies to integrate Tier 2 and Tier 3 words into lesson planning
• Making vocabulary accessible in different subjects

Vocabulary Development for EYFS, EAL, and SEND Learners
• Early language development and vocabulary in EYFS
• Supporting EAL learners: scaffolding strategies for word learning
• SEND and vocabulary instruction: making learning accessible
• Multi-sensory approaches: using visuals, storytelling, and hands-on learning

Implementing a Vocabulary Progression Framework
• What is a vocabulary progression framework?
• Designing a whole-school approach to vocabulary teaching
• Planning for long-term vocabulary growth across year groups
• Assessment and tracking vocabulary development

Embedding Vocabulary Instruction Across the Curriculum
• Practical ways to integrate vocabulary teaching into all subjects
• Creating a word-rich classroom environment
• Developing independent word-learning strategies in pupils
• Building a culture of curiosity and word consciousness


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Teaching vocabulary (06.05.25)
£ 195.00 Excl. VAT
Teaching vocabulary course, supporting the lowest 20% readers, reading Deep Dive training, tier 1 2 and 3 words
6th May 2025

9.30 am - 12.30 pm

Suitable for all phases.

Course audience:

  • Teachers
  • Senior leaders
  • Teaching assistants
  • Curriculum leaders
  • SEND/Inclusion leads

Resource packs will be provided for delegates.

Our training is delivered by experienced education professionals, including former school leaders and curriculum specialists, who provide evidence-based guidance on effective school leadership and educational improvement.

If you are interested in any of our courses as a twilight meeting, INSET or staff meetings for your school, please get in touch – contact info@jmbeducation.com for details.

Please read our terms and conditions – click here.

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