OFSTED questions for SENDCos

£29.95 Excl. VAT

OFSTED Inspection question packs - senior leaders

OFSTED questions - Child protection, safeguarding, harmful sexual behaviour

Preparation for an OFSTED inspection is key.

Inspectors will ask questions to a wide range of stakeholders to gather evidence against the inspection handbook criteria.

These question packs contain actual questions that may be asked during an OFSTED inspection – to help prepare responses and record evidence to discuss with an inspector. Annotate responses, discuss with your teams and have detailed, clear, concise responses already considered to provide inspectors with detailed information and supporting evidence.

OFSTED questions for SENDCos
£29.95 Excl. VAT

OFSTED Inspection question packs - senior leaders

OFSTED questions - Child protection, safeguarding, harmful sexual behaviour

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