Do you know what your staff think about your school?
During an OFSTED inspection, the inspection team will be looking for evidence that your school is moving away from an over-reliance on senior leaders towards a culture of distributed leadership where all staff are involved in the school improvement process. An annual staff survey has become an increasingly important element of school leadership, supporting self-evaluation and school improvement – it helps you keep in touch with staff views and feelings, particularly at a time of significant change and uncertainty
In addition, many governing bodies are now including staff survey information as part of the headteacher performance review process. If you are not already doing a staff survey, OFSTED will ask your staff to complete their questionnaire.
The JMB Education staff survey covers the following key areas of school improvement and provides feedback about how your staff view:
- Perceptions of the school
- Job satisfaction
- Leadership and management
- Managing change
- School improvement
- Training and career development
- Children and young people
- Purpose
- Work/life balance
- Equality
- Diversity
- Governance and governors
The Staff Survey should be taken by all members of staff – teaching, non-teaching and support staff and takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.