From June 2017
Maintained schools
- Name and contact details for the SENco
- How you consider admissions for every age group
- Arrangements for managing complaints from parents of children with SEN
- SEN policy updated annually
- KS4 – % students staying in education or employment after KS4 – destinations
- KS5 progress results shown separately for A levels, applied general and tech level qualifications
- KS5 retention shown separately for each qualification type
- Equality objectives to show how your school is complying with public sector equality duty
Academies, free schools and colleges
- Admission arrangements published before the beginning of an academic year
- Include open days, process for applying, explain if priority is given to applications from particular schools
- KS2 results – average progress from KS1 to KS2 in reading, writing and maths
- KS4 – % of pupils entered for/achieved the English Baccalaureate
- KS4 – % students staying in education or employment after KS4 – destinations
- KS5 progress results shown separately for A levels, applied general and tech level qualifications
- KS5 retention shown separately for each qualification type
- Accessibility Plan – facilities you provide to help disabled pupils access the school
- Arrangements for managing complaints from parents of children with SEN
- FE and sixth-form colleges – publish instruments and articles of government, annual members’ report, audited financial statement every year